Newport Nightingales

Team Captains: Peri Olcer and Betsy Swann

We are members of the Newport High School Bird Club in Bellevue. We love studying cool bird facts, drawing birds, and identifying birds from grainy cell phone pictures. We are VERY excited to participate in the Birdathon for the second year in a row!

Thank you so much for considering a donation to encourage our birding and to support the Eastside Audubon Society’s important work of bird education and conservation.

Our Birdathon team will meet bright and early at Montlake Fill in Seattle to scour the ponds, lake, trees, bushes, and reeds. We expect to see Northern Shovelers, Bald Eagles, Anna’s Hummingbirds, Yellow-rumped Warblers, and more. If we’re lucky, we might see a soaring Cooper’s Hawk out for a morning hunt, some beautiful Cedar Waxwings, or a Belted Kingfisher in action.

After walking the two-mile loop, we will enter Yesler Swamp in hopes of adding more species to our list that are common there. On past field trips, we have seen Stellar’s Jays, nesting Bushtits, and Orange-crowned Warblers on the boardwalk in the swamp.

Last year, we saw 33 species for the Birdathon. We hope to see even more this time!

Photo Banner Credit: Mick Thompson