Virtual Open House

Virtual Open House on Volunteering with Eastside Audubon

We are holding an online open house for people who might be interested in volunteering for Eastside Audubon on Wednesday, September 15th at 7 p.m. During the informal presentation on Zoom, we’ll be talking about our mission, the organization, and our volunteer needs. We’ll also answer all your questions about volunteering. If you or someone you know would like to participate, registration for the online event is here.

We welcome a wide diversity of our volunteers and we’re looking for candidates of all ages, backgrounds, cultures and neighborhoods. Among the open volunteer positions we’re looking to fill are a few board positions including: Education, Community Outreach, Volunteer Coordination and Financial Development. We have job descriptions for each of these positions and can provide them on request.

We have other volunteer opportunities too, including those coordinating our program night speakers, keeping our membership database updated, supporting our community science work, adult education, hospitality for our membership meetings, managing a holiday gift wrap event or our Birdathon fundraiser, among others. 

The open house is an information session and there’s no pressure to commit to any role during the event. We encourage you to register and learn more about Eastside Audubon!