Another Revised Birdathon in 2021

Another Revised Birdathon in 2021 

Spring has arrived, with longer days and singing birds that beckon us outside. But the pandemic is still with us and the need for safety measures continues, so we will be modifying Eastside Audubon’s Birdathon again this year. 

Birdathon takes place every May and is Eastside Audubon’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Traditionally, birders and nature lovers have joined together in the spring to support our chapter’s conservation and education programs through participation in guided field trips, Big Day Team activities, and generous giving in response to our Birdathon letter. Up to one-third of Eastside Audubon’s annual budget comes from our generous members and friends during this annual event.

With the continuing pandemic, we won’t be holding field trips nor encouraging Big Day Team trips this year. But I’m hopeful that next year we will be able to return to the fun of looking for birds together. Look for more news about Birdathon in next month’s Corvid Crier.